The Season of Raptors
November is migration season for birds of prey, meaning you may see a variety of raptors during your next outdoor adventure. For birds of prey that migrate, this is the time of year when they start coming back to nest or “winter” in preparation for mating season in the spring. Keep reading to learn about the raptors found in Santa Clara Valley.
Making Strides in Climate Policy
This yearwas historic for climate policy in the United States, namely with President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, the country’s strongest climate policy to date.When addressing climate change, policy can either be a major barrier or an exceptional aid, and it looks like we are moving in the right direction.
Spina Farms Open for Fall Fun on Protected Lands
Pumpkins are the ultimate fall icon, and where better to find them than at your local pumpkin patch?
Spina Farms Pumpkin Patch in Coyote Valley (just south of San José) is now open seven days a week through October 31, to serve the community with fall fun and agricultural education. The Patch was originally located off Bailey Ave but has since relocated a quarter mile south to Laguna Ave and Santa Teresa Blvd in partnership with the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority.
Seizing Squash Season
Nothing screams fall like festive gourds, pumpkins, and squash - and all three are notoriously used to create a cornucopia of autumnal décor. Keep reading for some fun ways to prepare squash, as well as some fun facts to share around the dinner table.
Staff Spotlight - Meet Lena Eyen
Lena Eyen, Community Impact and Policy Specialist, loves that she hasn’t had a linear paths leading up to where she is today at the Open Space Authority. “It’s a very interdepartmental role – I like how I get to connect with other departments and technical experts and support their work.” As a member of the Open Space Authority Public Affairs team, Lena’s work is focused on legislative affairs and local policy, as well as agency partnerships and community engagement.
Staff Spotlight - Meet Megan Robinson and Andres Campusano
Meet Supervising Open Space Technicians, Megan Robinson and Andres Campusano! Learn how these two work to protect the natural and working landscapes of Santa Clara Valley, as well as their efforts to make everyone feel welcome at Open Space Authority preserves.
Sneak Peek: Planning a New Preserve
Just 15 miles from downtown San José is Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge, where the Open Space Authority has protected over 1,800 acres that are co-managed by the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency. With the design and permitting process in the final stages, plans for expanded public access at Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve are well underway. After years of planning, construction groundbreaking is set to begin in late 2022, with the grand opening slated for 2023. In the meantime, keep reading to peek behind the curtains of this open space preserve in-the-making.
Mountain Lions: It's Not Easy being King
It's almost the end of cubbing season for mountain lions, meaning these mothers are raising their young and getting them ready to survive in the wild. While cubs learn a lot about how to survive from their mother and the first couple years of their lives, it won’t be an easy feat living outside of their dens. Though mountain lions are apex predators, being at the top of the food chain still has its challenges.
Staff Spotlight - Meet Teri
Teri Rogoway just reached her fifteenth year at the Authority but getting here was never a straight path. How did she end up here? Well, “It all started with a rattlesnake.”
Alum Rock Park Turns 150
2022 marks the 150th anniversary of Alum Rock Park, one of the oldest municipal parks in California, which opened in 1872. Less than ten miles from downtown San José, Alum Rock Park is a landmark for the community. With Alum Rock Park connected to Sierra Vista Open Space Preserve, the Authority is proud to partner with the City of San José to continue its legacy of connecting the community to nature.
Recent Posts
- Celebrating Healthy Soils Week
- Coyote Valley Photo Contest: Meet the People's Choice Winner!
- The Negative Impacts of Illegal Dumping
- A Silent Spring?
- Staff Spotlight: Matt Freeman
- Another Win for Agriculture in Santa Clara County
- Message from the General Manager
- Wildlife Grammy Awards
- Honoring Dr. King's Environmental Legacy
- Wildlife Thesaurus: Top 10 Native Animals with Nicknames