
Spotlight: Loren Lewis

Loren Lewis is the district 5 representative of the Open Space Authority's Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC). CAC members are appointed by the Board to serve two-year terms, and the purpose of the committee is to provide many avenues of input to and from the Open Space Authority's diverse communities. Keep reading to meet Loren and learn about his connection to the open spaces of the Santa Clara Valley. 

Read More July 18, 2024

Staff Spotlight - Meet David

David Mauk, Natural Resource Technician at the Open Space Authority, has been a lifelong nature lover, so it only makes sense that he works every day to protect wildlife and the places where wildlife live here in the Santa Clara Valley.

Read More September 07, 2023

Staff Spotlight - Meet Rowan

“This work is so rewarding,” says Rowan O’Brien, an Open Space Technician with the Open Space Authority. As a tech, Rowan serves as an ambassador for the agency, connecting people to nature, creating a welcoming environment, and helping with public safety. “I help keep it a place that people want to visit to experience and enjoy nature.”

Read More July 06, 2023

Staff Spotlight - Meet Jackie

Jackie Latham always knew that she wanted to pursue a meaningful career path. “I wanted to do something good for earth and people, and I feel that the conservation world is doing just that.”

Read More May 02, 2023

Staff Spotlight - Meet David

After 16 years at the Open Space Authority, David Tharp can sum up his career in three words: "I fix stuff.”

Read More March 02, 2023

Staff Spotlight - Meet Kat Hill

Kat Hill, Volunteer Programs Coordinator, at the Authority, always knew she wanted to work in the outdoors. Growing up in the Mojave desert of southern California, surrounded by Joshua trees and the unique desert terrain, nature felt like home to her from an early age.

Read More January 04, 2023

Staff Spotlight - Meet Jennifer Hooper

Jennifer Hooper, Associate Open Space Planner for the Open Space Authority, works on a variety of current and long-range planning projects. These include planning for facilities and improvements to existing preserves, planning new preserves, supporting the Authority’s American’s with Disabilities Act Transition Plan and Coyote Valley Conservation Areas Master Plan, and much more. One project she’s particularly excited about is the opening of Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve, which she’s been working on since she was hired in 2018.

Read More November 02, 2022

Staff Spotlight - Meet Lena Eyen

Lena Eyen, Community Impact and Policy Specialist, loves that she hasn’t had a linear paths leading up to where she is today at the Open Space Authority. “It’s a very interdepartmental role – I like how I get to connect with other departments and technical experts and support their work.” As a member of the Open Space Authority Public Affairs team, Lena’s work is focused on legislative affairs and local policy, as well as agency partnerships and community engagement.

Read More September 01, 2022

Staff Spotlight - Meet Megan Robinson and Andres Campusano

Meet Supervising Open Space Technicians, Megan Robinson and Andres Campusano! Learn how these two work to protect the natural and working landscapes of Santa Clara Valley, as well as their efforts to make everyone feel welcome at Open Space Authority preserves.

Read More July 05, 2022

Staff Spotlight - Meet Teri

Teri Rogoway just reached her fifteenth year at the Authority but getting here was never a straight path. How did she end up here? Well, “It all started with a rattlesnake.”

Read More May 03, 2022
For media inquiries contact:

Charlotte Graham

Public Information Officer