Croy Redwoods Preserve Update
The Open Space Authority celebrates the addition of 80 acres to Croy Redwoods Preserve. This is thanks to a generous property donation from the Bay family, who owned and enjoyed these lands for over 50 years. “It is our honor and pleasure to preserve this beautiful landscape for future generations of public enjoyment and habitat,” says John Bay, of the Bay family, regarding the donation.
Seven Reasons to be Thankful For Nature
November is a time for gratitude, with holidays approaching and the beginning of a new year. As we reflect on the people, places, and experiences that bring us joy, here’s a reminder of all the amazing benefits the open spaces of the Santa Clara Valley provide. May this list inspire you to move through the holidays with gratitude, love, and respect for....
Coyote Valley Restoration Project Recharging South Bay's Groundwater Amid CA's Drought
SANTA CLARA CO., Calif. (KGO) -- Flying over the sweeping green hills, Coyote Valley can seem a world away from the urban core of Santa Clara County. But when it comes to water, it's connected in ways that are becoming increasingly important in the face of drought and climate change.
By Spencer Christian and Tim Didion of ABC7.
Protecting Santa Clara Valley's Farmland: A Partner's Perspective
California is home to innovative farmers and ranchers using climate-friendly practices that reduce on-farm greenhouse gas emissions, sequester carbon, and have other health and environmental benefits.
Learn how the Open Space Authority is conserving agricultural land to limit urban sprawl and reduce emissions.
Written by Becca Lucas, California Climate & Agriculture Network (CalCAN) Communications & Operations Manager.
Tibbott: The Synergy of Planning and Conservation: State Investment and Land Use Policy Come Together in Santa Clara County
Read a story of how visionary land conservation interests in Santa Clara County are working to preserve the Valley’s rich agricultural and natural treasures with support from the Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation (SALC) Program and other state funding.
Written by Emily Tibbott, Senior Advisor for Land Conservation, and the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority.
Community-Focused Climate Resilience Project Receives $16 Million
Protection of North Coyote Valley Floodplain to Reduce Downstream Flood Risks in Urban San José
San José, CA - In September 2021, the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (the Authority) received multiple funding awards totaling over $16 million from the State of California for the protection of North Coyote Valley open space lands. $6 million in funding comes from an Urban Flood Protection grant from the California Natural Resources Agency, and $10 million has been allocated by the California Legislature in SB-170, the Budget Act of 2021.
Drought Resilience Through Restoration
In June 2021, the Open Space Authority released the Coyote Valley Water Resource Investment Strategy (CVWRIS) report. The report was developed in partnership with Valley Water, detailing the water resource impacts of large-scale restoration projects in Coyote Valley, just south of San José.
Cities of the Future: New Report Highlights Green Urban Planning
The impacts of climate change are intensifying rapidly and as populations continue to grow, there is an increasing need to make our cities more adaptable to the needs of the future.
Inspiring Conservation: General Manager Andrea Mackenzie Named One of 2020’s “Women of Influence”
Earlier this year, the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority’s General Manager, Andrea Mackenzie, was named as one of the top 2020 “Women of Influence” by the Silicon Valley Business Journal.
Recent Posts
- Celebrating Healthy Soils Week
- Coyote Valley Photo Contest: Meet the People's Choice Winner!
- The Negative Impacts of Illegal Dumping
- A Silent Spring?
- Staff Spotlight: Matt Freeman
- Another Win for Agriculture in Santa Clara County
- Message from the General Manager
- Wildlife Grammy Awards
- Honoring Dr. King's Environmental Legacy
- Wildlife Thesaurus: Top 10 Native Animals with Nicknames