
Celebrating Nature in your neighborhoods

Every two years, the Open Space Authority Urban Grants program awards public agencies, schools and school districts and 501c3 nonprofits funding that encourages residents to explore the outdoors and offers environmental education programs to the local community.

Keep reading to learn about Urban Grants program recipients, their projects which took place in 2024 and the strides they are making to bridge the gap between local communities and nature. 

Read More September 06, 2024

Another Win for Agriculture in Santa Clara County

79 acres of important farmland permanently protected in San Martin 

The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authorityhas purchasedan Agricultural Conservation Easement (ACE) for 79 acres of important farmland, locatedin a priority conservation area off Monterey Highway in San Martin. The farmland, initially anticipated to become a residential subdivision, has been in agricultural production for over 55 years, and is now permanently protected for agricultural use. 

Read More March 19, 2024

Message from the General Manager

Dear Friends,

We are only one month into 2024 and already there is much to celebrate!

Keep reading for the full February update from Andrea Mackenzie, the General Manager of the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority! 

Read More February 08, 2024

Why Become an Open Space Authority Volunteer?

Message from Gavin Comstock, Volunteer Program Administrator

Recently, I had a great conversation with a friend exploring when it was that we first experienced a “moment of wonder” in nature. Surprisingly, I had to dig deep to identify exactly when the hook was set. Growing up in a family that did a lot of things outside, but not necessarily camping, my formative experiences are characterized as much by people as by place. As much as the outdoors was the setting, it was a combination of personalities, places, and attitudes that informed my enjoyment. It was not until my early twenties and my participation in a semester long NOLS course (National Outdoor Leadership Schools) in the desert southwest that I found myself slack jawed at the surreal beauty of nature. Ultimately, our conversation wound its way from what formed our love of nature to considering why we still prioritize time outdoors, with others or alone.

Read More April 05, 2023

The Monarch Butterfly's Mysterious Decline: What You Can Do to Help

Just over twenty years ago, Monarch butterflies, one of the most charismatic and widely recognized butterfly species, lived in abundance across the United States. Often symbolizing spirituality and hope, these creatures have long been a source of wonder among us and, at the same time, have been a great source of mystery. With complex and largely unknown migratory patterns, unique life cycles, and elusiveness around humans, Monarchs have intrigued researchers for years. At the start of this year, that intrigue mounted. What once was a yearly population count in excess of 1.2 million towards the turn of the century, has since dropped to a far lower threshold of roughly 30,000. Following this already concerning decline, the 2020 count was much worse than anyone could have anticipated: a staggering 1,914 butterflies.

Read More April 07, 2021

Cities of the Future: New Report Highlights Green Urban Planning

The impacts of climate change are intensifying rapidly and as populations continue to grow, there is an increasing need to make our cities more adaptable to the needs of the future.

Read More March 03, 2021

Open Space Authority’s Measure T Approved by Voters

Measure T, the Open Space, Wildlife Habitat, Clean Water, and Increased Public Access Measure, has been passed by 81% of voters and has secured funding for the Open Space Authority to protect open spaces for future generations. Thanks to you, the voters, we can renew our commitment to investing in nature in communities and providing Santa Clara Valley residents with more equitable access to nature while stewarding our beautiful open spaces forever.

Read More November 10, 2020

The Season of Gratitude at the Open Space Authority

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, now is as good a time as any to take a minute to reflect on everything we have to be grateful for, whether it’s nature or family, food or shelter, or simply the air we breathe.

Read More November 10, 2020

Frantoio Grove Agricultural Conservation Easement

In the San Martin region of Santa Clara County sits Frantoio Grove, a family-owned and operated specialty olive oil company that just turned 15 years old. The 30-acre grove is part of a roughly 97-acre property that is now permanently protected for agriculture through an Agricultural Conservation Easement (ACE). The land, initially anticipated to become a subdivision development, will now remain productive farmland and protected from development.

Read More October 12, 2020

Nature’s Recovery and Resilience

By Andrea Mackenzie, General Manager

On August 16, 2020, a thunderstorm that produced thousands of lightning strikes ignited a series of fires in San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties that merged to become the CZU Lightning Complex Fire, burning 86,509 acres in the Santa Cruz Mountains, destroying 1,490 structures, and causing extensive damage to protected natural areas and historic resources in Big Basin State Park, Butano State Park, and San Vicente Redwoods.

Read More October 07, 2020
For media inquiries contact:

Charlotte Graham

Public Information Officer