Coyote Valley Photo Contest: Meet the People's Choice Winner!
The Open Space Authority's 2024 open house events invited community members to learn all about the latest Understanding Coyote Valley: Existing Conditions Report, provide input on the future planning of the region and vote on their favorite winning photo from the Picturing Coyote Valley photo contest.
Keep scrolling to meet the winner of the photo contest's People's Choice category and view some highlights from the open house events.
The Negative Impacts of Illegal Dumping
While driving down Santa Teresa Boulevard in Coyote Valley, you'll likely see golden fields, farmland and maybe even a coyote or two. Unfortunately, it’s also likely that you may see a random pile of trash, broken household appliances, discarded mattresses and construction debris.
Illegal dumping, or the inappropriate disposal of unwanted items and hazardous waste, is a persistent issue that negatively impacts humans, the surrounding environment and the wildlife that live in the area. Throughout Coyote Valley in particular, contaminated dirt and other construction debris piles are left on the side of the road in areas that may look like open fields, but in fact are valuable wildlife habitats.
Keep reading to learn how illegal dumping is a cause for concern and what can be done to minimize its effect.
Another Win for Agriculture in Santa Clara County
79 acres of important farmland permanently protected in San Martin
The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authorityhas purchasedan Agricultural Conservation Easement (ACE) for 79 acres of important farmland, locatedin a priority conservation area off Monterey Highway in San Martin. The farmland, initially anticipated to become a residential subdivision, has been in agricultural production for over 55 years, and is now permanently protected for agricultural use.
Message from the General Manager
Dear Friends,
We are only one month into 2024 and already there is much to celebrate!
Keep reading for the full February update from Andrea Mackenzie, the General Manager of the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority!
Spina Farms Pumpkin Patch Connects Community to Local Agriculture on Open Space Authority Lands
In late 2021, the Open Space Authority -- in partnership with the State of California Department of Conservation through the Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation program (SALC), Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), and the Santa Clara County Planning Department -- protected sixty acres of prime farmland at Laguna Avenue and Santa Teresa Boulevard in the middle of Coyote Valley (also known as Mid Coyote Valley).
The property became known as “Laguna 60.”
Seven Reasons to be Thankful For Nature
November is a time for gratitude, with holidays approaching and the beginning of a new year. As we reflect on the people, places, and experiences that bring us joy, here’s a reminder of all the amazing benefits the open spaces of the Santa Clara Valley provide. May this list inspire you to move through the holidays with gratitude, love, and respect for....
Spina Farms Open for Fall Fun on Protected Lands
Pumpkins are the ultimate fall icon, and where better to find them than at your local pumpkin patch?
Spina Farms Pumpkin Patch in Coyote Valley (just south of San José) is now open seven days a week through October 31, to serve the community with fall fun and agricultural education. The Patch was originally located off Bailey Ave but has since relocated a quarter mile south to Laguna Ave and Santa Teresa Blvd in partnership with the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority.
Sneak Peek: Planning a New Preserve
Just 15 miles from downtown San José is Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge, where the Open Space Authority has protected over 1,800 acres that are co-managed by the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency. With the design and permitting process in the final stages, plans for expanded public access at Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve are well underway. After years of planning, construction groundbreaking is set to begin in late 2022, with the grand opening slated for 2023. In the meantime, keep reading to peek behind the curtains of this open space preserve in-the-making.
Coyote Valley Restoration Project Recharging South Bay's Groundwater Amid CA's Drought
SANTA CLARA CO., Calif. (KGO) -- Flying over the sweeping green hills, Coyote Valley can seem a world away from the urban core of Santa Clara County. But when it comes to water, it's connected in ways that are becoming increasingly important in the face of drought and climate change.
By Spencer Christian and Tim Didion of ABC7.
Protecting Santa Clara Valley's Farmland: A Partner's Perspective
California is home to innovative farmers and ranchers using climate-friendly practices that reduce on-farm greenhouse gas emissions, sequester carbon, and have other health and environmental benefits.
Learn how the Open Space Authority is conserving agricultural land to limit urban sprawl and reduce emissions.
Written by Becca Lucas, California Climate & Agriculture Network (CalCAN) Communications & Operations Manager.
Recent Posts
- Celebrating Healthy Soils Week
- Coyote Valley Photo Contest: Meet the People's Choice Winner!
- The Negative Impacts of Illegal Dumping
- A Silent Spring?
- Staff Spotlight: Matt Freeman
- Another Win for Agriculture in Santa Clara County
- Message from the General Manager
- Wildlife Grammy Awards
- Honoring Dr. King's Environmental Legacy
- Wildlife Thesaurus: Top 10 Native Animals with Nicknames