Another Win for Agriculture in Santa Clara County
79 acres of important farmland permanently protected in San Martin
The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authorityhas purchasedan Agricultural Conservation Easement (ACE) for 79 acres of important farmland, locatedin a priority conservation area off Monterey Highway in San Martin. The farmland, initially anticipated to become a residential subdivision, has been in agricultural production for over 55 years, and is now permanently protected for agricultural use.
Message from the General Manager
Dear Friends,
We are only one month into 2024 and already there is much to celebrate!
Keep reading for the full February update from Andrea Mackenzie, the General Manager of the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority!
Croy Redwoods Preserve Update
The Open Space Authority celebrates the addition of 80 acres to Croy Redwoods Preserve. This is thanks to a generous property donation from the Bay family, who owned and enjoyed these lands for over 50 years. “It is our honor and pleasure to preserve this beautiful landscape for future generations of public enjoyment and habitat,” says John Bay, of the Bay family, regarding the donation.
Conservation of Coyote Valley Gaining Momentum
To continue the momentum of protecting Coyote Valley for years to come, Open Space Authority is now managing two new properties in Mid-Coyote Valley in partnership with Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST).
Inspiring Conservation: General Manager Andrea Mackenzie Named One of 2020’s “Women of Influence”
Earlier this year, the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority’s General Manager, Andrea Mackenzie, was named as one of the top 2020 “Women of Influence” by the Silicon Valley Business Journal.
Open Space Authority and Peninsula Open Space Trust Complete Purchase of 235 Acres in North Coyote Valley
$16 Million Acquisition Finalizes Protection of 937 Acres with Support from California’s Wildlife Conservation Board and State Coastal Conservancy
Community Planning Process Launches Today with Online Questionnaire
SAN JOSÉ, Calif. (August 3, 2020) – Today, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (the Authority) and Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) announced the completed purchase of a 235-acre parcel in the North Coyote Valley Conservation Area.
Over $1.7 million awarded for Open Space Conservation and Public Access Projects
It’s a wonderful day for open space: three Open Space Authority projects have been awarded a total of $1,779,394 through the Priority Conservation Area (PCA) Grant Program!
Seizing a Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity to Preserve San Jose's Last Great Landscape, Coyote Valley
$93.5M investment is first for natural infrastructure protection in California, providing water safeguards for citizens of San Jose and securing critical "last chance" wildlife corridor between mountain ranges.
New Barrett Creek Property in the Santa Cruz Mountains Transferred to the Authority
A new property called Barrett Creek, purchased in partnership with Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) has just been transferred to the Open Space Authority for permanent protection and management.
Recent Posts
- Celebrating Healthy Soils Week
- Coyote Valley Photo Contest: Meet the People's Choice Winner!
- The Negative Impacts of Illegal Dumping
- A Silent Spring?
- Staff Spotlight: Matt Freeman
- Another Win for Agriculture in Santa Clara County
- Message from the General Manager
- Wildlife Grammy Awards
- Honoring Dr. King's Environmental Legacy
- Wildlife Thesaurus: Top 10 Native Animals with Nicknames