
Community Connections - Tanya Diamond

Community Connections highlights the many leaders, partners, and neighbors who make a difference in our community. This month we are featuring Tanya Diamond, wildlife ecologist and co-principal of Pathways for Wildlife, a research firm that specializes in identifying, monitoring, and implementing connectivity designs for wildlife movement within our communities.

Read More March 04, 2020

Celebrating Native Species on California Wildlife Day

Did you know that California has an official a state holiday to celebrate wildlife?

California Wildlife Day was established in 2017 to recognize our state’s diverse and unique ecosystem. This holiday is celebrated each year on the Spring Equinox, or March 21 in 2020, around the time when many native animals emerge from hibernation and migratory species return home.

Read More March 04, 2020

Helping Reptiles and Amphibians Move Through Coyote Valley

To guide our efforts in restoring and conserving open space, the Open Space Authority regularly supports research to help understand local wildlife and how they live in and move across landscapes. There have been extensive efforts to understand mammal movement in one of the Authority’s priority conservation areas, Coyote Valley, but less attention has been paid to how other critical threatened species use and move through this landscape. Until now...

Read More March 04, 2020

5 New Year’s Resolutions That Will Improve Your Environmental Wellness

As the new year lies ahead of us, we’ve been thinking about ways we can make positive changes for ourselves and our natural environment this year.

Read More January 08, 2020

Learning How Bobcats Move Through Coyote Valley

In the wake of rapid urban growth, Bay Area environmentalists have long been fighting to maintain our region’s essential wildlife habitats. Protecting the traditionally agricultural Coyote Valley is key to maintaining healthy wildlife populations, as this sparsely-developed and agricultural valley connects thousands of acres of habitat in the Santa Cruz and the Diablo mountain ranges.

Read More November 06, 2019

Restoring Habitat for Rare Amphibians at Coyote Ridge

Over the years, loss of habitat has caused the decline of many amphibian species, including our native frogs and salamanders. However, in the midst of decreasing habitat, ranch lands have become a vital aide for conservation of rare amphibians because they remain undeveloped and wildlife rely on the many ponds that ranchers have built for their herds over the years. 

Read More September 04, 2019

Community Connections - Clayton Koopmann

Community Connections highlights the many leaders, partners, and neighbors who make a difference in our community. This month we are featuring Clayton Koopmann, cattle rancher and rangeland ecologist/rangeland management specialist

Read More July 02, 2019

242-Acre Purchase Completes Tapestry of Connected Open Space in Santa Cruz Mountains

Opportunities for Firebreak Management, Sweeping Views, and New Trail Connections

SAN JOSE, Calif. (June 27, 2019) - Undeveloped and largely untouched, a 242-acre purchase made by the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (Authority) in partnership with the Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) completes another pivotal piece of the Santa Cruz Mountains preservation puzzle, opening new possibilities for growing an interconnected trail network.

Read More June 27, 2019

Celebrating the Beauty of Santa Clara Valley's Open Spaces: Photo Contest Winners!

To celebrate National Nature Photography Day on June 15, we asked photographers of all levels to send us their best shots of Santa Clara Valley's open spaces. And the response was amazing! 

Read More June 05, 2019

How We’re Helping Wildlife Move Safely Through Coyote Valley

The roads and freeways we depend on to connect our communities pose one of the greatest threats to wildlife. Roads fragment wildlife habitat, create barriers to movement, and kill animals through vehicle collisions. Animals need to move freely in order to find mates, hunt, migrate, and spread to new areas. All of these activities are essential for wildlife to be able to share their genes and maintain population health. Roads are a major issue in Coyote Valley, one of the last remaining pathways that wildlife use to travel between protected lands in the Santa Cruz Mountains and the Diablo Range.

Read More June 05, 2019
For media inquiries contact:

Charlotte Graham

Public Information Officer