Asian Americans for Community Involvement: Leaders in Health and Advocacy
The concept of “health” is broad, and it is sometimes complex. When considering what being “healthy” means, we often think of physical health: good nutrition, regular doctor’s visits and exercise; everything in order. However, mental and spiritual health, while often overlooked, are equally as important. Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) recognizes this, and they are making a big difference in the lives of their community members.
10 Tips For Starting Your Own Garden
You don’t need a big backyard to grow your own food. What you do need, however, is patience, a bit of resilience, and according to most everyone we talked to, forgiveness. We gathered insights from a few of our staff members and garden-based grantees to help guide you through creating a garden of your own.
In Acknowledgement of Earth Day
Biological altruism is a phenomenon that causes plant and animal species to behave in a manner that helps another organism, even at the cost of their own well-being. While experts are still theorizing exactly what motivates this behavior, a common perception is that, especially among species with complex social structures, these instances of helping another organism will ultimately benefit that which provides the help. Protecting and assisting other organisms helps to make all organisms thrive because the actions of one will impact another; because we are all connected.
The Equity Lens: April 2021
In response to the intolerable acts of violence and racial injustices against people of color, and the ongoing COVID-19 global health and climate crises, we at the Open Space Authority have made a long-term commitment to ensure that the values of inclusion and equity are reflected in every facet of our work. This is life-long work that does not have a beginning and an end but rather will involve short-term and long-term goals. We have started by taking a step back, listening to the community, and looking inwards at our own practices and systems of work. From here, we will reflect on the ways that we are engaging in larger systems and structures in our community, including those that are both positive and negative, and identify how we can turn our commitment to these values into meaningful actions and change.
Urban Open Space Corner: Our City Forest
In 2015, Our City Forest, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a healthy Silicon Valley through the promotion of urban forestry, acquired a parcel of land at Martial Cottle Park and created an outdoor urban forestry education center and arboretum, the Outdoor Educational Center.
The Monarch Butterfly's Mysterious Decline: What You Can Do to Help
Just over twenty years ago, Monarch butterflies, one of the most charismatic and widely recognized butterfly species, lived in abundance across the United States. Often symbolizing spirituality and hope, these creatures have long been a source of wonder among us and, at the same time, have been a great source of mystery. With complex and largely unknown migratory patterns, unique life cycles, and elusiveness around humans, Monarchs have intrigued researchers for years. At the start of this year, that intrigue mounted. What once was a yearly population count in excess of 1.2 million towards the turn of the century, has since dropped to a far lower threshold of roughly 30,000. Following this already concerning decline, the 2020 count was much worse than anyone could have anticipated: a staggering 1,914 butterflies.
The Open Space Authority Stands in Solidarity with the Asian American Community
We at the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority stand in solidarity with the Asian American community and collectively grieve the lives lost and lives impacted in recent attacks and hate crimes across the country.
New Report Advances Authority's Priority for Protecting Grasslands
Grasslands across North America are declining rapidly and with them, grassland birds, which are declining at a higher rate than any other group of birds across the continent. California is home to a considerable amount of grassland and oak savanna ecosystems, two of which – Sierra Vista and Diablo Foothills – are managed by the Authority. These habitats are of high ecological value, as they support a variety of rare and common bird species and contain healthy soil. Stewarding what’s left of these habitats must be an absolute priority. Monitoring these landscapes to maintain their well-being is a way to evaluate our stewardship practices.
Cities of the Future: New Report Highlights Green Urban Planning
The impacts of climate change are intensifying rapidly and as populations continue to grow, there is an increasing need to make our cities more adaptable to the needs of the future.
A Beginner’s Guide to Hiking
Outdoor activities provide opportunities to spend time with loved ones, appreciate nature, and get some healthy exercise. If you’re new to hiking, this guide from the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority can help get you started (ESPAÑOL | TIẾNG VIỆT).
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