The Power of Partnerships

Dear Friends,

At the Open Space Authority, our love and understanding of the Santa Clara Valley – with its sweeping views, oak woodlands, grasslands, rare species, bubbling creeks, and working farms – is what inspires us to ensure that future generations will have open space to love.

When the Authority was created in 1993, our small agency joined a legion of nonprofit and public agencies dedicated to protecting the remarkable natural resources and open spaces here in the San Francisco Bay Area. This year more than ever, our successes were possible because of our alliances with others with whom we share a vision. By finding where our goals align with those of others, we have targeted projects where we can work together, becoming both more efficient and more effective.

As we celebrate our successes, we are always looking to the future. Guided by our visionary plans and initiatives like the Coyote Valley Landscape Linkage and the Santa Clara Valley Greenprint we will continue to make strategic conservation investments that benefit communities and a sustainable, resilient region.
We will also find new ways to work with our partners to meet the environmental challenges posed by population growth, development pressures, and a changing climate. Together, we will continue to explore, learn about, and protect the natural and working lands that are the life support system for our cities, communities, and economy.
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Andrea 3-926633-editedSincerely,

Andrea Mackenzie
General Manager

May 17, 2018
For media inquiries contact:

Charlotte Graham

Public Information Officer