The Little Hoover Commission, formed in 1962 to oversee California’s special districts, recently released a report that led to several recommendations meant to improve service to local communities. Climate change adaptation and transparency were two areas of focus where the Open Space Authority already exceeded the recommendations.
The Commission recommends that special districts be leaders in infrastructure, public engagement, and formation of regional partnerships that maximize climate adaptation projects. Building resilience to climate change is central to the Authority's vision.The Authority invests in natural infrastructure as a way to address climate change, while providing our communities with clean air, clean water, and other environmental benefits. Through a myriad of land steward programs, environmental education, public events, and more, the Authority has long been committed to supporting residents’ knowledge about our changing landscape while providing real-life ideas for action.
The Authority also takes pride in its regional partnerships, sharing field experience and expertise with businesses and other special districts. Working hand-in-hand with public and private agencies is vital to success in providing environmental solutions.
Together we can make a huge impact.
The Commission also outlined the importance of receiving the Special District Leadership Foundation’s District Transparency Certificate of Excellence. Having received this voluntary certification in 2016, the Authority is proud of this achievement and firmly believes in the importance of transparency.
Opportunities for community involvement, such as our Citizens’ Advisory Committee, also speak to the Authority's commitment to transparency. Input from residents on how to further improve upon the Open Space Authority’s mission to preserve and protect the environment is encouraged.
Another simple yet powerful engagement tool recommended by the Commission is a website. Since the early 1990s, the Authority has strived to keep the public up-to-date with informative webpages. The Authority's website was updated in August 2017 with a more user-friendly look to include an even broader spectrum of data, articles, and ways to get involved.
Accountability is a key component when serving the public and the Authority looks forward to embracing all opportunities to elevate the services it provides.
Download the report to read more about how the Open Space Authority meets or exceeds its recommendations.