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MARCH 2025

We care for nature, so nature can care for you. Visit our website to discover the countless benefits of investing in nature to secure a better future for all.

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Make your voice heard: Take our survey!

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You're invited to participate in the trail planning process! The Open Space Authority is building on the momentum of the recently-opened Llagas Creek Bridge and Hidden Meadow Loop Trail at Rancho Cañada del Oro Open Space Preserve by kicking off regional trail planning for the southern portion of the preserve, including an area formerly known as Blair Ranch. Click here to take the brief survey and share how you currently access and how you would like to access this new space within the preserve.

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Staff Spotlight: Anna Regalado

Meet Anna Regalado, our first Agricultural Specialist! Hired in October 2024, Anna plays an important role in engaging with current and future agricultural tenants to build and maintain productive working lands in Santa Clara Valley. Read more about Anna's passions, experience in the agricultural space and how she plans to support local agriculture through her role here.

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Tracking Tule: Understanding Tule Elk Through Collar Research

In January, the California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW) collared 25 tule elk in Santa Clara and Alameda Counties in an effort to better understand their current health status and movement patterns. The Open Space Authority worked in tandem with CDFW to provide access to Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve, a habitat for many tule elk in the region. Click here to learn more.

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Nature is for everyone, and all are welcome at events.
We ask attendees to join us in respecting nature, wildlife and each other.
Please register when required.

Remember that we have a full library of recorded virtual events to enjoy any time! 
See all our past program recordings here!

Newsletter Images (Events) (2)-1VOLUNTEER LAND STEWARDS EVENT
Saturday, March 1 | 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve

Join the Open Space Authority to help re-seed native grasslands at the staging area of Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge! We will be continuing our work to restore native grasses and wildflowers in the staging area to reduce the spread of invasive species in the ecologically sensitive areas of the preserve. Sign up for this event here.

Newsletter Images (Events)-1MARCH GUIDED HIKES
Saturdays, March 8, 15, 22, 29 | Various Times
Sundays, March 9, 16, 23 | Various Times
Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve

Join the Open Space Authority for a 3-mile guided hike at Máyyan ‘Ooyákma - Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve! Throughout weekends in the spring, the public will only be able to access trails within the preserve's Habitat Protection Area by signing up for a guided hike. This helps to protect the sensitive and delicate plants that grow and butterflies that live within this area. At each of these hikes, visitors will learn about the native wildflower blooms and the rare Bay checkerspot butterfly population found within the preserve. Click here to reserve your spot on a hike!

Newsletter Images (Events) (8)WALKING ON WEDNESDAYS
A wellness experience for the grieving
Wednesdays, March 5, 12, 19, 26 | 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Laguna Seca, North Coyote Valley

Whether you lost someone yesterday or years ago, sometimes the best thing to do is just be with people who understand. Come take a gentle walk with us and begin to heal in nature at this beautiful location. Join us for a series of low impact, low social pressure and healing nature experiences every Wednesday in March. Talking about your loss is optional, and everyone is welcome. Sign up for one or multiple walks here.


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Saturday, March 22 | 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Rancho Cañada del Oro Open Space Preserve 

Join the Open Space Authority and the San Jose Astronomical Association (SJAA) for a star party at Rancho Cañada del Oro Open Space Preserve! Docent astronomers will set up their telescopes to help you get the most knowledge and enjoyment out of the dark starry night sky. Sign up for the event here.

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In Other News...


ION Newsletter Graphics (27)New Chair and Vice Chair Announced
The Open Space Authority is pleased to announce that Mera Burton will now take on the role of Chair and Lani Wong-Bassett will become the Vice Chair for the Citizens' Advisory Committee. The Open Space Authority is looking forward to their increased leadership and continued representation of their communities through these positions. Learn more about the committee here.


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Now Loading: A New Website
The Open Space Authority launched a new website! The refresh and redesign provides visitors with easy-to-access agency information, preserve and project updates and exciting upcoming events for the public to enjoy. Visit the new site here!


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Honoring Black Conservationists
In honor of Black History Month, the Open Space Authority is taking a look at four Black conservationists, both past and present, who have made a tremendous impact on the environmental and conservation fields. Learn more about these amazing individuals and their work by clicking here.



2024 StoryMap Finalist: 30-Year Impact Report 
The Open Space Authority's 30-Year Impact Report is a finalist in the 2024 ArcGIS StoryMaps Competition! ArcGIS, a cloud-based mapping and analysis platform, provides agencies like the Open Space Authority with tools to create visually-appealing, digital maps, stories and other relevant content. Support the Open Space Authority by selecting our StoryMap for the "Community Choice" award category here! (Or check out ALL of the finalists and choose your favorite here).


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Now Hiring: Communications Intern 
The Open Space Authority is looking to hire a Communications Intern who will have the opportunity to learn how communication and community engagement play an important part in land conservation. This role will also work to advance the Authority's reach into new and expanded audiences while amplifying awareness of the agency's initiatives. If interested, please apply through our website by March 3.


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Now Hiring: Seasonal Open Space Aides
The Open Space Authority is looking to hire four part-time Seasonal Open Space Aides who will provide essential services to help the public safely access their preserves. Gain hands-on experience in open space and land conservation while engaging with members of the public and monitoring preserve trails for hazards and maintenance items. Visit our website to apply for one of the seasonal positions by March 3.


Upcoming Public Meetings

The Open Space Authority public meetings are a hybrid of in-person/virtual meetings. Members of the public have the option to attend the meetings in-person or via Zoom teleconference. Please view our Public Meetings webpage to view agendas and more details.

Administration & Budget Committee
Thursday, March 13 |  5:30 p.m.

Citizens' Advisory Committee
Monday, March 24 |  6:30 p.m.

Board of Directors
Thursday, March 27 |  6:30 p.m.

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We acknowledge that the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority works within lands that were originally
stewarded by the Awaswas-, Chochenyo-, Mutsun- and Thámien-speaking peoples. Today we are honored to partner with the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band, the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe of the San Francisco Bay Area and the Tamien Nation in our shared work to protect and restore the environment and connect people to land.  Learn more.

Photo Credits: Regional Trail Planning Survey – Matt Chesebrough; Staff Spotlight – Anna Regalado; Tule Elk – B. Hamel; March Guided Hikes – Livia Lu; Walking on Wednesdays – David Mauk; Citizens' Advisory Committee – Mera Burton & Lani Wong-Bassett; Dr. George W. Carver -- The New York Public Library; Wildflower meadow -- Cait Hutnik, Field Staff -- Derek Neumann

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